Silicone wristbands aren’t the only cost-effective way to promote your brand. You can also complement your message with other some giveaways. But if you’re tired of things like branded shirts and mugs, why not go for well-designed customized lanyards? These items are usually just used as ID laces, but they can also be used to help you manage your employees and even advertise your business.
Like other giveaways, lanyards can be customized to bear your company’s brand or your intended message. You can either have them woven or printed into the lace for potential customers to see. The best part is that they can also be mass produced and sold at a profit too. If you want to know some great ways your business can benefit from using lanyards, here’s a quick list of how they can help.
Company IDs for Office Departments
Just like how basketball players wear a jersey with their team colors, your employees can also do the same with lanyards. Each team could wear a different color to signify that they’re part of the IT team, the management department, and the creative team and so on. Doing so can promote a sense of team spirit among employees by grouping them under one banner.
Event Staff IDs
On a similar note, you can also use this approach for helping manage your staff during events. In addition to the name tags with their role, you can also use colors to identify what role each person is playing. For example, marshals can wear red while the emcees can wear blue. This also makes it easier for the guests to identify the staff if they need to ask for assistance. Either way, color-coded lanyards with your brand logo allows you to expose your brand to a wider audience.
Employee Recognition and Awards
Raising morale is another benefit from using lanyards. Aside from the awards, the money incentives, and the trophies, a specially-made lanyard for your awardees can also make them feel special. For one thing, these are practical enough to be worn every day. This can serve as a reminder of how your company values the services rendered by the employee. It’s also a great way to make your employees believe in your brand through internal advertising.
Promotional Giveaways
As these are among the most cost-effective items to give out, lanyards can help spread your brand to a large audience. There are also different options you can use for these lanyards depending on how long your promotion period will last. For example, if your event is only a short one-time gathering like a concert, then a polyester one with a printed message will work. For those looking for something more durable, then the nylon variants will work best along with silk screen-printed messages. This type of lanyard can also double as an exclusive pass to future events that your business might hold.
Advocacy Support
Like cancer bracelets, lanyards can also be used to promote an advocacy of your choice. Whether it’s for cancer research or a charity for children, these items can help promote your cause. For maximum exposure, you can even have your websites printed on them for people to browse and send donations to. They also have a longer length, giving more space to place your message if you need it.
No matter the purpose, these lanyards can help bring your business that needed recognition. Whether you opt to use them for promoting your brand within the company or to your customers, there’s always a suitable variant for your needs. has a Shopper Approved rating of 4.6/5 based on 3779 ratings and reviews.